Restoring double hung sash window

When it comes to windows, none match the level of elegance that a sash possesses. Having been in use for hundreds of years, the style has stood the tests of time and remained a favourite option. As with all other windows however, they are not immune to degradation. Specialising in providing sash window restoration in Northumberland, we are the ones to call if yours could do with a bit of treatment. Continue reading “Restoring double hung sash window”

Wooden sash windows should be kept in shape

If you happen to be the proud owner of some sash windows, then the last thing you will want is for them to fall into a state of disrepair. As timeless and very stylish characteristics, they show people that you’ve gone to great lengths to invest in your house’s aesthetics. If you let them deteriorate though, everyone will start to think negatively of your home. Specialising in sash window restoration in Northumberland, our company is the one to call should you ever have trouble with your windows. Continue reading “Wooden sash windows should be kept in shape”